Sunday, April 19, 2009

Questionstruck. Text. Interrogatories. And Trillin. Nice.

It would be accurate to say that this is not the first William Walsh shout-out here at headquarters this week. We did in fact just interview him and the Michael Fitzgerald for the Orange Alert Press Writer on Writer series. However, since we also mentioned that we planned to riff on William's new book Questionstruck when we finished it, and since we have now done just that, today we are here to riff. And here we go: Questionstruck is not just a loving, crazy, fragmented tribute to the work of Calvin Trillin, but a celebration of all things political, familial, edible, and textual, both dense and wonderful, and bordering on poetry. It can also be quite mesmerizing, so why not read it, and then spread the word, who knows, it just might change your life.

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