Sunday, October 26, 2014

New joint. Powder Blue Polyester Tuxedo. At the Manifest-Station.

And big thanks to Jennifer Pastiloff and the whole Manifest-Station crew for that. Excerpt? Word.

"Like any relationship, parenting doesn’t always feel like that though, not in the moment anyway, and not until it does, but it will, eventually, and much of the time anyway.

And so, on this day there is quiet.

Can you hear it?

Just wait a moment.


Take it in.

It is like magic. It is magic.

The boys are reading and not because we made them do so, or because it is so important to me. It is because developmentally they have caught up with my needs and impatience, and my inability to accept that unlike actual magic, when it comes to parenting, things happen as they are supposed to if you remain diligent and trust in their inevitability."

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